Request to Modify a Major Project or Concept Project

Introduction & Notes

Please Note: You will be assigned one Job Number per application for a modification to a major project. If you have multiple approvals that you wish to modify you must lodge a separate modification application for each major project approval.

Schedule 6A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, provides that section 75W continues to apply for the purpose of the modification of a project applications and concept plan approved before or after the repeal of Part 3A of the Act.

A Part 4 consent which was subject to clause 8J(8) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2000 prior to the repeal of Part 3A, can also be modified under section 75W.

This form should be used to request the Minister to modify a Project Approval or Concept Plan Approval under section 75W of the Act.

Before lodging this form you should contact the Department of Planning and Environment to confirm the supporting documentation required to assess the modification. The Director General may issue environmental assessment requirements that must be complied with before your request will be considered by the Minister.

Supporting documents can be attached in Step 6 of this form. N.B. the file(s) comprising your supporting documents must be in "pdf" format, non-secured and no more than 10Mb.

Persons lodging applications are required to declare reportable political donations (including donations of $1,000 or more) made in the previous two years. For more details, go to

Applicant Details

Site details

Modification Details


Would the development otherwise, but for section 89J of the EP&A Act, require any of the following (select all that apply)?

  • the concurrence under Part 3 of the Coastal Protection Act 1979 of the Minister administering that Part of that Act
  • a permit under section 201, 205 or 219 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994
  • an approval under Part 4, or an excavation permit under section 139, of the Heritage Act 1977
  • an Aboriginal heritage impact permit under section 90 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
  • an authorisation referred to in section 12 of the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (or under any Act repealed by that Act) to clear native vegetation or State protected land
  • a bush fire safety authority under section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997
  • a water use approval under section 89, a water management work approval under section 90 or an activity approval under section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000
  • Do you require any of the following approvals in order to carry out the development (select all that apply)?

  • an aquaculture permit under section 144 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994
  • an approval under section 15 of the Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961
  • a mining lease under the Mining Act 1992
  • a petroleum production lease under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991
  • an environment protection licence under Chapter 3 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (for any of the purposes referred to in section 43 of that Act)
  • a consent under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993
  • a licence under the Pipelines Act 1967
  • an aquifer interference approval under the Water Management Act 2000
  • Online information provided by the applicant

    Supporting Documents

    What supporting documents are you submitting with this application? *

    Note: Under clause 8F of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 as it applied prior to the repeal of Part 3A, certain applications under Part 3A of the Act do not require consent of the landowner, however, the proponent is required to give notice of the application (e.g. linear infrastructure, mining & petroleum projects).

    Submitted supporting files:

    Landowner's consent attached?

    Submitted files:

    Political Donation

    Persons lodging applications are required to declare reportable political donations (including donations of $1,000 or more) made in the previous two years. For more details, go to

    Do you need to make a political donations disclosure statement?

    Online information provided by the applicant

    Submitter details